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The Story of Fynd: Harsh Shah, Farooq Adam and Sreeraman MG 2021

The Story of Fynd


“Ambitions alone don’t work. Missions do.” ~ From the words of Kunal Shah, Founder of ‘Freecharge’

The Story of Fynd: Generating ideas, raising capital, and pivoting from an existing job is the basic ladder to opening a startup. A vast majority of the successful Indian startups that have come-up through this ladder. Even though falling a few times, the steps they have taken has helped in reaching ultimate success.

Image SourceForbes India

Yes, this is the story of Fynd and 3 friends named Harsh Shah (27 years), Farooq Adam (32 years) and Sreeraman M.G. (28 years). They left their jobs after Masters and started a B2C e-commerce platform. Initially the venture struggled to fulfill the minimal orders placed from Mumbai individuals. But presently, it has over 9 million customers, with 8,000 downloads on iOS in the name of “Fynd”!

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Sreeraman, discovered “Fynd” on October 20th, 2015, along with his friends Farooq Adam and Harsh Shah, during their masters at IIT Mumbai. But this was not an easy idea or win. Sreeraman and his partners were having plenty of ideas inside their brains to open a startup before narrowing to the retail industry. “Shopsense” was the result of their ideas.

For the uninitiated, Shopsense is an interactive touchscreen that is kept at various stores across the city. The purpose of this technology is to help a customer try out clothes with the support of a virtual model. This will enable them to see if the material goes well to each other or not before they try it out.

“Follow your dreams, be an optimist and push yourself!” ~ 3 of the top 10 rules of Sundar Pichai, the CEO of google.

Following the said quote, the interest and future of the retail industry in India made the boys shift their perspective from B2B to B2C. And this is how ‘Fynd’ found its way in our smartphones today.

The Story of Fynd - Colitco

A few words from the Founder, Sreeraman – “Our major clients included Being Human, Diesel, US Polo Assn, Flying Machine, Nautica and Nike. But, it didn’t work out as expected as the touch screens were expensive and the stores needed to place them in a pivotal position so that customers could try them out. Owing to the retail industry’s potential, we wanted to remain in that. That’s how we found Fynd, shifting from B2B to B2C.”


The story of Fynd startup is not something that you read generally from an article or magazine. This is an e-commerce platform, founded by 3 young Indian friends who wanted to start something fresh. Eventually, the venture landed as one of the best techs for lifestyle and fashion in the industry.

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The Story of Fynd - Colitco

Now, there are 2 twists to this platform. These twists make the story different and better from the rest.


At this fast-paced technological era, the trio considered clothing stores as the key functional factor, to help them rapidly in the development of modern digital shopping experience for customers/consumers in a better, quicker and easier way. Now, they achieved this mission by making Fynd as an ‘information arbitrage platform’ that is built using real-time data streams from a specific store’s inventory. And today, Fynd is the only company, to date, that has access to such data at this level of scale!


‘Fynd’ is completely different from the other contemporaries present in the industry/market. Since the core of this vision is to lend a hand to the existing offline textile stores to have their mark online, without changing any of their professional or personal dynamics. This way, the team of Fynd is helping stores get additional visibility through online mode and now they are earning some extra cash in the run.

And today, the story of Fynd has enhanced the way someone buys clothing online from retail stores. Harsh Shah explains the above mentioned as follows: “The growing concern for brands today is selling their latest in-season fashions, with a push to exhaust most of their inventories through people buying from original offline stores rather than through online discounting models and marketplaces.”


“The hard times have ensured that no challenge looks impossible today, and the team will rise to the occasion one way or another” ~ Team Fynd

You don’t have to be a highly experienced person to enter the world of business. Two heads are better than one. Going and moving unique is what makes success a reality, rather than competing with brands using their same strategy. And considering the present startup India growth, budding entrepreneurs and students get more benefits with PM’s funding and business initiatives such as Make In India.

Moreover, using Fynd itself is a benefit for all of us as the perks of browsing + discovering our favourite clothing material is not streamlined to just 1 store rather many at one-place: Online. You also have the creative freedom to mix and match products to get the best fit your body and mind loves! Even retailers love Fynd as they are getting sufficient information on a product at their fingertips and better manage the loss of sales due to issues like ‘out of stock’. The Co-Founder Shah said once as a statement:

“Our vision is to revolutionize the online and offline shopping experience. We expect that the capital raised will help us further bolster our growth trajectory”.

Your friends are the biggest strength one can possess in life. Balancing your friendship with fun and funding on both sides lies the actual thrill. Choose your partners wisely and move strongly forward. Age is a number. Money is also a number. But think about the success and this is beyond the explanation of words.

From the CEO of OYO Rooms, Ritesh Agarwal ~ “Don’t worry about being successful but work toward being significant. And the success will naturally follow!”

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