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Success Story of Devesh Chawla – Founder of Chatur Ideas

Devesh Chawla - Founder of Chatur Ideas

In our early schooling days, we often have been asked a common question. What do you want to become once you grow up ? Doctor, teacher, lawyer were some familiar answers from the end of the majority of students. But things are different in case of Devesh Chawla, Founder of Chatur Ideas

If you would want to become an engineer, you would certainly earn a degree in engineering. If your passion lies in advocating good health, you would go for MBBS but have you encountered any student aspiring to become an entrepreneur? Maybe 2 out of 10 times. But then the question arises, is there any formal degree in order to be called an entrepreneur?

Well, fortunately, there is no such formal curriculum as of now. All a person needs is keen observation skills and the right attitude. Attitude to make a positive impact, attitude to grow, attitude to never give up irrespective of countless bog downs.

The Early life of DEVESH CHAWLA

Devesh Chawla, being a computer engineering graduate, was always intrigued by entrepreneurship. He had a knack for creating a revolutionary impact in the community. Even before the advent of Ola, he had this idea to commence a taxi-hailing service.

As he went to his mentors and family to put forth his proposal, he was advised to have a nice cushy job instead of working on an infeasible idea. Succumbing to the naysayers, Devesh opted for a job only to see the widespread impact Ola was having a few years later. That was the day, Devesh Chawla decided to explore more opportunities prevailing in the market.


After having considerable work experience, Devesh Chawla saw another opportunity in the market. He identified the major gap between the ones who have wealth and the ones who have innovative ideas. So, he leveraged his skills as a wealth manager. He started investing in companies that have the potential to grow in the years ahead. To make a distinguished name in the Startup ecosystem, he kicked off his first venture and became the founder of  Chatur ideas.

Through this venture, Devesh Chawla gave a platform to investors, entrepreneurs, and mentors to connect The platform give the neophytes a direction to make better business decisions. The organization entails a comprehensive team of investors and mentors from different industries. It had taken approximately 1000 startups under their wings.

INITIAL PHASE – Devesh Chawla

Devesh made his first investment in a Singapore based company, Strike, and still continues to act as a major investor in the company. The company offers a range of services like integrated engineering, construction, and maintenance.

Likewise, through Chatur Ideas, Devesh has been helping many startups to grow and expand, Hubilo being one of them. The founder and CEO of the Hubilo, Vaibhav Jain had a disruptive idea to make the event management process easy through an app. The app will develop websites, handle emails, manage ticket booking, and promote a number of events at the same time. To execute this idea, he raised adequate funds from Chatur ideas in 2015. It became the first event management company that enables people to build networks, websites, and analyze events. In 2017, Hubilo also received a token of appreciation at the Global Entrepreneur Summit.

Watching the company’s exponential  growth, Devesh expressed his delight and said, “I am elated that our portfolio company is expanding and giving positive returns to all shareholders ’’

Since then, Devesh has continued to invest in multifarious companies like MaaxMarket, NUOS, Koonk, and many more, only to see substantial growth in these ventures.

Journey Of Devesh Chawla - Colitco


Besides providing adequate funds to the startups, Devesh had also provided mentorship support to startups in Jharkhand. He collaborated with the Government of Jharkhand to support Jharkhand Innovation Lab (JIL). It is a program that built a platform for nurturing startups and promote Startup Culture in the state.

To peddle and encourage startup environment in India, he initiated a “Certificate in Entrepreneurship – Basics”. It is a program with a primary intent to identify the loopholes in the market and managing resources to build a feasible and sustainable startup. New players in the market get to learn different aspects of entrepreneurship from mindset to pre-launch comprehensive planning and feedback.

He had also been the part of Think Tank Series, a Constitution Assembly in New Delhi, held by Mr. Surendra Tripathi. In the round table discussion, Devesh put forth his perspective as a startup expert. He pointed out different ways a startup can help a college student to secure their ideas and have a proper execution.


In an interview, when he was asked about the must-haves elements for startups, he stressed three things namely Focus, Perseverance, and Discipline. He asked all the budding entrepreneurs to be as focused as Arjun from Mahabharat. He went on to give an example of Colonel Sanders to demonstrate the power of perseverance, a person who deliberately chose to stay consistent despite repeated failures. Lastly, he emphasized having discipline in terms of making optimum use of external fundings. He stressed the fact that despite getting investments, startups must not lose their frugality.

To acknowledge his mission to amplify the growth of the Indian economy, he has been felicitated with numerous honors. “Youth Leadership Award” by Trade Commissioner of Canada and “Mahatma Gandhi Samman Award” are some of them. Besides that, he has also been awarded “Entrepreneur of the Year 2018” and “CEO of the Year 2019”

Despite having numerous accolades, Devesh considers this as just a beginning. He constantly strives to make more and more people take up entrepreneurship. India being on 67th no. on the Global Innovation Index, Devesh aspires to take India to the top 5 in the coming years. As a founder and CEO of Chatur ideas, he had worked with 600 plus startups. He had guided and mentored them to leverage their untapped potential.


Walking on the path of Devesh Chawla, India’s youth is now becoming more inclined towards the employment generation. With this wave of new culture peddled by Devesh Chawla and people like him, India would certainly become a developed nation in the years ahead.
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