Written by 5:09 pm Pampa metals, Canada, Editor's Pick, Mining, Top Stories

Pampa Metals and its Newly Appointed CEO A. Paul Gill

Pampa Metals

Propylitic AlterationPampa Metals is an exploration and mining company, established in 2021 with a registered capital of $5,000,000. It’s a copper exploration and mining company seeking to expand its operations in South America.
The world is currently facing a shortage of copper, creating a huge demand for copper exploration and mining companies such as Pampa Metals. The company is poised to meet this growing demand by increasing copper production.

Pampa Metals LogoCopper is one of the most widely used metals in the world and has been a vital material for humans since antiquity. It is the third-most consumed metal after iron and aluminium and it is used in every facet of society from household plumbing to electronic components in vehicles, computers, and household appliances.

Pampa Metals plan to develop copper projects in Chile, which are located near the largest known deposits of copper in the world such as the Escondia Mine owned by BHP, to meet the global demand for this important mineral.

Pampa Metals Corporation: Understanding its High Probability Porphyry Copper Target in Northern Chile

Pampa Metals is a mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition and development of assets with the potential to become large-scale porphyry copper deposits. The company is focused on Chile, where it has a 100% interest in eight projects covering over 62,000 hectares in the region of northern Chile.
The favourable geological and infrastructure conditions in Chile are why Pampa Metals is targeting the country for its copper exploration efforts. Now, efforts have paid off with a major porphyry discovery at its Block 4 location which produces samples with stockwork veining – a sign of extensive thermal activity at the site.

largest copper mines

Porphyry copper deposits are among the largest copper mines globally. They tend to have a higher grade than other types of copper ore bodies and can be mined for decades at high production rates. The main challenge with porphyry deposits is that they’re typically deeply buried, which makes them difficult to find using traditional exploration methods.
Chile has more porphyry copper deposits than any other country, and several large mining companies have been extracting them since the early 1900s. The country has vast areas with favourable geology, good infrastructure, low geopolitical risk, and strong mining expertise — all of which make it an attractive destination for companies like Pampa Metals seeking to discover new deposits.

Pampa Metals and its Newly Appointed CEO A. Paul Gill

Pampa Metals and its Newly Appointed CEO. A. Paul Gill is pleased to announce that they recently acquired and optioned assets in Chile and launched the company last year. A. Paul Gill is a highly experienced Chief Executive Officer and an esteemed entrepreneur who has served in several leadership roles.
The company has quickly gained momentum since its launch was completed. Chief Executive Officer A. Paul Gill has been in sales and operations for over 20 years. He has had the opportunity to work in many sectors, but his main focus is on the precious metals industry. He has a wealth of experience working with some of the largest metal companies in the world.

CEO. A. Paul Gill

Paul Gill has acquired numerous companies over the last 15 years, specializing in the procurement of metals for manufacturing and MRO (Maintenance, Repair & Operations) customers throughout North America. A. Paul is a graduate from Simon Fraser University with a BA in Political Science. He has worked hard building his reputation as one of the most dynamic metal executives in the U.S., and he is very pleased with his new endeavour at Pampa Metals, where he will handle all daily functions to generate sales using his extensive network of contacts within this industry.
Mr. Gill is a highly skilled entrepreneur who has led various companies through both good times and bad. He brings his expertise and knowledge of the precious metals industry with him, which will be beneficial for Pampa Metals as they continue to expand their business overseas. Pampa Metals hopes that A. Paul Gill can help them grow even more into the international arena by building strong connections with international banks, governments, and private industry leaders.

Why should investors keep a close eye on Pampa Metals?

Pampa Metals Corp is working hard to develop its high-quality portfolio of copper and gold exploration projects located in northern Chile.
Pampa Metals continues to press forward and prioritize exploration activities on its eight (8) wholly-owned projects, covering a series of greenfield copper and gold targets along with the highly productive, world-class mineral belts of northern Chile. Current highlights include:

● The findings of a comprehensive induced polarisation (IP) scan over the Cerro Chiquitin drill target at Pampa Metals’ Cerro Buenos Aires project are due next month.
● At its Block 4 property, the Company recently completed a trenching campaign over the quartz veinlet stockwork & porphyry zone, with assay results pending and expected soon.
● Austral Gold Ltd., Pampa Metals’ joint venture partner, is drilling the Rosario del Alto target at Pampa Metals’ Morros Blanco project with up to 2,000 metres of diamond core drilling in 5 holes, with results due in early Q2.

Pampa Metals

Pampa Metals Corp. announced that it has entered into a Letter of Intent with VerAI Discoveries Corp to form a joint venture to explore for copper and gold on eight properties in Chile, including three projects that have never been explored before. The other five projects were previously explored with historic drill results and have the potential for high-grade copper porphyry discovery.
Pampa’s CEO, states “This agreement is another step in our corporate strategy to become a significant player in the precious and base metals exploration sector. This agreement opens the door for us to enter South America through a partnership with a company that has been exploring Chile.”
The projects were selected based on high copper, gold, and silver values combined with strong soil geochemistry anomalies and are located along with major regional structures that host known copper deposits and mines.
The Company intends to use its technology for detailed prospecting and reconnaissance work, followed by detailed ground sampling, sampling, and mapping programs to identify drill targets for future drilling programs.

A Company on the Move

Metals are the building blocks of our modern world and vital input to almost every major industry.
From the construction of skyscrapers to mobile phones and electric cars, metals are integral to our daily lives. Over the next decade, global demand for metals is expected to grow at an annual rate of 4%.
Today’s market is highly volatile with rapidly changing supply and demand dynamics driven by population growth, urbanization, increasing middle-class incomes, and new technologies. Pampa Metals, understand these trends and can change how the world procures its metals.

developed Pampa Metals

To meet these challenges, they have developed Pampa Metals – a platform that brings together strong teams, industry-leading expertise, and innovative technology to foster a more efficient, sustainable, and transparent metals market.
They aim to create a better way for producers, buyers, and sellers of metal to do business by reshaping how the market operates today.
Pampa Metals aims to create meaningful change through building the digital infrastructure for companies in the raw materials sector; creating sustainable initiatives which serve both partners and communities; as well as developing investment opportunities that support businesses that look to improve efficiency through innovation.
Pampa Metals has put together a one-of-a-kind property portfolio for a junior business, consisting of eight totally owned copper & gold assets spread across the highly productive, world-class mineral belts of northern Chile.
The company’s board and senior management are highly competent, having worked for major & junior mining firms, participated in significant discoveries, and also have decades of experience in South America.
Four projects are receiving in-house attention, while two others are receiving 3rd-party funding:

  • Drilling at Cerro Buenos Aires is still aimed at a vast and well-developed copper-gold porphyry-related alteration & mineralization system, which is buried by post-mineral gravels, and where deeper diamond drilling is anticipated as a follow-up.
    Drilling at Redondo-Veronica has revealed deep porphyry potential, with geophysical anomalies and vectors derived from hydrothermal alteration and chemistry anomalies observed in pertinent drill holes. Deeper diamond drilling as a follow-up is being considered
  • Fieldwork at Block 4 has identified a distinct magnetic high coincident with an intensive quartz-veinlet stockwork zone in a dacite porphyry intrusion. Due to the restricted outcrops, more fieldwork, including trenching, is planned to better define drill targets.
  • Fieldwork at Block 3 has found various magnetic features of possible relevance in post-mineral covered areas, and geological mapping surrounding the covered areas’ periphery has validated the area’s potential. More geophysical scanning is being planned to aid in the identification of potential drill targets.
  • 3rd-party Expenditures: Austral Gold Ltd partner of Pampa Metals, has begun fieldwork at the Company’s Morros Blancos property & recently published positive preliminary gold target findings. Austral is also advancing Cerro Blanco, a second optioned project.
  • Business Growth: To continuously update the Company’s property portfolio and provide maximum value-add, the Company continues to actively pursue additional business development prospects with third parties.


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