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Lindsay Dudfield, Executive Director and CEO of Jindalee Resources Limited, Executed MOU with POSCO Holdings For Joint Research At McDermitt Lithium Project

Lindsay Dudfield, Executive Director and CEO of Jindalee Resources Limited, Executed MOU with POSCO Holdings For Joint Research At McDermitt Lithium Project

Jindalee Resources Limited (ASX: JRL) (Jindalee, the Company) is an Australian exploration company with Tier 1 lithium deposits in its portfolio in the United States. The Company’s core goals are to discover world-class mineral deposits and generate shareholder wealth. The United States is one of the largest marketplaces for lithium demand, and Jindalee is a leading company committed to help meet future demand. The Company is focussing efforts into developing its McDermitt lithium deposit. Jindalee Resources was listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) on 11th July 2002 and raised AUD 2.70 million. Now, it is a pure-play United States lithium company.

Jindalee’s Projects:

In June 2018, the Company acquired McDermitt and Clayton North, two lithium sediment projects in the United States. Both projects are 100% owned by HiTech Minerals Inc., a wholly owned, US-based subsidiary of Jindalee.

Jindalee Lithium Projects In United States

Figure 1: Jindalee Lithium Projects In United States

Several factors attracted the Company’s interest in these projects including:

  • Potentially scalable mineralisation style
  • Manageable to low-cost mining and processing
  • Mining-friendly jurisdiction
  • Opportunity to develop the projects to create significant value for the Company

McDermitt Lithium:

The McDermitt Lithium Project is a flagship Tier 1 asset located in Malheur County, SE Oregon, United States, that was acquired after an extensive search. It is currently the second-largest lithium deposit in the country. In September 2018, Jindalee completed an initial four-hole drilling program. From September 2018 to December 2021, Jindalee completed 41 holes (22 RC and 19 Diamond) at McDermitt. The program successfully infilled and upgraded the Mineral Resource and outlined resource extensions.

McDermitt deposit with significant intercepts greater than 1,000 ppm

Figure 2: Schematic section across the McDermitt deposit with significant intercepts greater than 1,000 ppm

In July 2022, Jindalee announced an updated Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource for the Project. Resources are continuously growing with every drilling program.

McDermitt Mineral Resource

Figure 3: McDermitt Mineral Resource

Jindalee Resources Limited plans to continue to advance and de-risk the McDermitt Project through 2023 via:

  • Ongoing metallurgical studies to optimise the flowsheet
  • Updating the 2021 preliminary scoping study to include new MRE and the latest metallurgical results
  • Building on environmental and cultural studies completed in 2022
  • Advancing the Plan of Operations (PoO) lodged January 2023
  • Increasing engagement with US investors, local community and potential partners

Clayton North:

The Clayton North project is 23 kilometres north of Silver Peak, the only producing lithium operation in the United States. In the claim area, the extensive areas of lithium-bearing claystone outcrop have returned assay results of up to 930 ppm Li in sampling. Samples of the oxide material were submitted for initial metallurgical test work to test the amenability of the lithium-bearing clays to simple leaching. Six diamond drill holes were completed, with the best results being returned from a fine-grained siltstone and claystone unit intersected in hole CNDD012, including:

Location of Clayton North

Figure 4: Location of Clayton North

Jindalee Resources Limited and POSCO: A joint research collaboration on McDermitt Lithium Project

On 13th February 2023, Jindalee Resources Limited (ASX: JRL) and Korean conglomerate POSCO Holdings Inc. (NYSE: PKX) (POSCO) signed a Non-Binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The MoU enables the two companies to undertake joint research designed to optimise the flowsheet for processing ore from Jindalee’s McDermitt Lithium Project.  Jindalee will provide a sizable composite sample from McDermitt for testing at POSCO’s research facility in Korea. The test work is expected to take approximately six months at AUD 2 million, funded entirely by POSCO. Furthermore, POSCO and Jindalee will jointly evaluate the commercialisation of the Project following the completion of the test work. Results from test work are expected by mid-2023.


POSCO Holdings Inc. (NYSE: PKX) is a leading Korean conglomerate with a market capitalisation of USD 19.6 Billion. The company has interests in steel, chemicals, construction, trade, and food. Recently, it identified new growth opportunities in rechargeable battery materials and hydrogen.

Jindalee’s Commodity Portfolio:

Jindalee also provides indirect exposure to their shareholders to a range of commodities through its investee companies, including gold, nickel, lithium, magnesite, and iron ore (through Dynamic Metals Ltd, ASX: DYM) and uranium (through Energy Metals Ltd, ASX: EME).

Sustainable Footprints:

The Company understands its duty towards the planet. Jindalee’s sustainability efforts include:

  • Supporting the decarbonisation movement through the development of critical minerals projects essential for the transition from fossil fuels to electrification
  • Commitment to responsible exploration practices
  • Minimising disturbance footprint on the environment
  • Engaging with local communities by sponsoring community events and sports teams
  • Sponsoring postgraduate university studies
  • Employing local people and services to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes

Executive Director and CEO of Jindalee: Lindsay Dudfield

Lindsay Dudfield, Executive Director and CEO

Figure: 8 Mr Lindsay Dudfield, Executive Director and CEO

Mr Dudfield is a geologist with over 40 years of experience in multi-commodity exploration, primarily in Australia. He has held senior positions with the mineral divisions of Amoco (1977-1979) and Exxon (1980-1987) and actively delineated the Scuddles zinc copper mine at Golden Grove, WA.

Mr Dudfield has been responsible for managing Jindalee Resources since its inception. In 1987, he became the founding Director of Dalrymple Resources NL. and led the next eight years helping the company acquire and explore Dalrymple’s properties, leading to several greenfield discoveries.

Mr Dudfield is a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, the Australian Institute of Geoscientists, the Geological Society of Australia, and the Society of Economic Geologists. He is also a Non-executive Director of Energy Metals Limited, Dynamic Metals Limited and Alchemy Resources Limited.

Jindalee’s Investor Outlook & Financials


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