Written by 10:55 am Australia, Carbonxt

Carbonxt Extends Closing Date for the Non-Renounceable Entitlement Offer




Carbonxt Group Limited (ASX: CG1) (the “Company” or “Carbonxt”), a leading player in the clean-tech industry, has announced the extension of the closing date for its non-renounceable pro-rata rights issue offer. Eligible shareholders are entitled to one additional new share for every 9 shares held as of the record date.


On December 4, 2023, Carbonxt announced a rights issue for shareholders, where each new share price was set at AUD 0.06 to raise about AUD 1.84 million (except for associated costs). The closing date for the Entitlement Offer is now extended to 5:00 pm on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, giving shareholders enough time to participate in the Entitlement Offer. The Company has mentioned that dates and events are only indicative and subject to change.


The Board holds the right to modify the Entitlement Offer closing date and other dates as per ASX Listing Rules, the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), and other relevant laws.

It is important to note that eligible shareholders should meticulously examine the Entitlement Offer Document, along with the given instructions, before making any decisions.

About Carbonxt Group

Carbonxt Group Limited (ASX: CG1) specialises in manufacturing advanced activated carbon products for industrial pollution control. Carbonxt Group LTD’s (CG1) commitment to efficient manufacturing logistics, advanced corrosion prevention technology, and customisation for specific pollutant capture positions it as a competitive player in the market.

Carbonxt is positioned for sustained growth and industry impact due to its commitment to innovation and participation in international projects under the direction of Managing Director Warren Murphy.

Investor Outlook and Financials

  • Carbonxt provided an extended decision window to the investors so that they could align their decisions with market trends and their financial strategies, potentially optimising their investment outcomes.
  • The extended timeframe by Carbonxt Group offers investors more flexibility, allowing them to evaluate the offer and follow the instructions carefully.
  • Carbonxt’s share price is AUD 0.065 per share as of December 28, 2023, with a 52-week range of AUD 0.045 – 0.099 per share.
  • Carbonxt’s market capitalisation is AUD 18.54 million as of December 28, 2023, with 285.30 million shares issued.

Stay updated on the latest news by visiting the official website.


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