Written by 11:14 am Australia, Company - Clients, Mining, Top Stories, VRX Silica

VRX Silica Initiates Public Environmental Review for Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project with Publication of ERD

VRX Silica Initiates Public Environmental Review for Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project with Publication of ERD



VRX Silica Limited (ASX: VRX) (VRX or Company) announces the commencement of the four-week Public Environmental Review (PER) period following the publication of the Environmental Review Document (ERD) for its  Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project. The ERD’s publication and the PER period’s initiation show a notable advancement in the approval process for the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project.

The Company earlier announced the acceptance of the Arrowsmith North Environmental Review Document by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) for publication and release for PER. 

As part of the PER process, VRX Silica must address all comments received regarding the proposal. This comprehensive review and response stage is the final step before the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) of Western Australia prepares an assessment report. The report will include recommendations to the Western Australian Environment Minister regarding the Project approval.

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About VRX Silica

VRX Silica Limited is a prominent ASX-listed pure-play silica sand company driven by an expert board and management team. The Company is dedicated to the progression of its portfolio, which encompasses four silica sand projects in Western Australia. These projects consist of the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project and the Arrowsmith Central Silica Sand Project, positioned near Eneabba, south of Geraldton, along with the Muchea Silica Sand Project, located north of Perth, and the Boyatup Silica Sand Project, situated 100 km east of Esperance.

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