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Top 5 Lithium Producers In Australia (2023)

Top 5 Lithium Producers In Australia (2023)


Lithium is widely used in making energy-dense rechargeable batteries for electronics like cell phones, laptops, electric vehicles and grid storage. Lithium is also used in glass products such as glass containers, glass-ceramic stovetops, fibreglass and speciality glass to increase durability, corrosion, and thermal resistance. The leading end-use of lithium is in lithium-ion batteries, found in portable electronics and electric vehicles.

The demand for lithium is expected to rise from 500,000 metric tons of Lithium Carbonate Equivalent (LCE) in 2021 to 4,000,000 metric tons in 2030. The demand will continue to grow, given the preference for renewable energy technologies and automotive applications.

Australia- The World’s Greatest Lithium Producer and Supplier

Australia positioned itself as the world’s go-to lithium supplier, home to many hard-rock, pegmatite-hosted lithium resources, mainly in Western Australia. The country has the third-largest lithium reserves and is the largest producer of hard-rock lithium, Spodumene.


The top mining sites contributing to Australia’s lithium production include the Greenbushes mine, Mount Cattlin, Pilgangoora, Early Grey, Mount Marion and Bald Hill deposits owned and operated by Australian lithium mining companies. In 2021, Australia supplied roughly half the world’s lithium, about 55,000 tonnes, among which the Greenbushes mine contributed 40% of production.

Top 5 Lithium Producers in Australia to Consider in 2023

Here are the top five lithium miners in Australia leading in lithium production worldwide.

1. Pilbara Minerals Limited

Pilbara Minerals Limited (ASX: PLS) is Australia’s emerging lithium and Tantalum producer. The company owns the Pilgangoora mine located 120 km from Port Hedland in the Pilbara region, Western Australia. The company’s two processing plants, the Pilgan Plant and the Ngungaju Plant, produce spodumene concentrate. Pilbara Minerals aims to become a significant player in the lithium supply chain.

2. Mineral Resources Limited

Mineral Resources Limited (ASX: MIN) is an Australian mining company holding a world-class project portfolio focused on producing lithium and iron ore. The company owns two of the world’s largest hard rock lithium mines in Western Australia: Mt Marion and Wodginaproducing lithium spodumene concentrate in Western Australia.

  • The Mt Marion project is jointly owned by Mineral Resources (50%) and Jiangxi Ganfeng Lithium Co. Ltd. (50%).
  • The Wodgina project is a joint venture between Mineral Resources (40%) and Albemarle (60%).

Both projects produce mixed-grade spodumene products.

3. Allkem Limited

Allkem Limited (ASX: AKE) is a global lithium carbonate supplier with a unique portfolio that includes a hard-rock lithium operation in Australia, lithium brine operations in Argentina, and a lithium hydroxide conversion facility in Japan. The company owns the Mt Cattlin Mine, an open-pit mine and concentrator in Ravensthorpe, Western Australia. The mine produces high-quality spodumene concentrate.

4. Liontown Resources Limited

Liontown Resources (ASX: LTR) is an Australian exploration, and tier 1 Battery Minerals producer focused on developing and supplying battery minerals. The company operates two lithium reserves: the Kathleen Valley (one of the world’s largest and highest-grade hard rock lithium deposits) and Buldania in Western Australia. The Kathleen Valley project has a current Mineral Resource Estimate of 156Mt at 1.4% Li2O, and the Buldania project has an indicated and inferred Mineral Resource estimate of 14.9Mt @ 1.0% Li2O.

5. Core Lithium Ltd

Core Lithium Ltd (ASX: CXO), formerly Core Exploration Limited, is a lithium miner in Australia focused on exploring lithium, copper and mineral deposits in South Australia and Northern Territory. Core Lithium owns the Finniss Lithium Project located in the Northern Territory. Finniss holds a Mineral Resource estimate of 15 Mt at 1.3% Li20.

Investing in Australian Lithium Mining Companies

The new energy revolution and rapid growth in lithium demand provide Australia with an excellent opportunity to transition into a primary processing, manufacturing and trading hub for lithium-ion batteries. Buying shares in these top ASX lithium stocks can be future, giving rights to their exclusive projects.


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