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Steam’s The Day Before Goes Up in Smoke

Steam’s The Day Before Goes Up in Smoke

Even before its official release, the much-awaited The Day Before, developed by Fntastic and published by Mytona, was mired in a plagiarism controversy regarding its name and trailer. Nevertheless, gamers were looking forward to its release on Steam on 7 December. Priced at USD 39 for early access and USD 49 for full release, The Day Before witnessed a great beginning with 27,505 players at 6:00 pm UTC, a number that shot to 38,104 in just one hour.

However, the figure has only reduced since then, falling to less than one-fifth in just 72 hours. Twitterati has been abuzz with the failings of The Day Before, with several questioning the seriousness of the game, some requesting a refund, and the game receiving a community note. Similar frustrated posts from avid gamers can be seen on Reddit, the social media platform.

So, where did The Day Before go wrong? Let’s take a look!

Key issues plaguing The Day Before

In its flashy trailer released over a year ago, Fntastic promised a superlative MMO survival game set in a post-apocalyptic zombie-ridden world on the US East Coast against a deadly pandemic. The gamers expected it to be on par or even better than similar games such as Dysmantle, Night of the Dead, Unturned, and Dead Rising 3.

However, The Day Before was an extraction shooter game focusing only on entering different areas, looting, and killing characters. Some streamers with millions of viewers have claimed that the number of zombies and dangerous creatures is far less than one would expect to encounter in a survival game. The game requires much running in different zones to find loot, but that’s pretty much it.

Some players experienced issues such as crashing in the background, changing status on refreshing the browser, incomplete character screens, internet connection errors while connecting to servers, bugs in scene transformations, and no melee weapons. The feature of competing players was forming groups, safe houses, and continuing the competition between the groups. Calling it a hot mess, the gamers lamented a stark detachment of the game from what was promised.

Wrap Up

Given the multiple glitches and missteps, it is no wonder that The Day Before has received an ‘Overwhelmingly Negative’ on Steam. The predictions by the commenters on the announcement trailer two years ago came true. While Fntastic has not posted any tweets after the debacle, The Day Before has left several disappointed players in its wake.


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