Written by 12:24 pm Altech Chemicals, Australia, Mining, Top Stories

Lithium Ion Battery Update Opening Of Tesla Berlin Gigafactory

Lithium Ion Battery Update Opening Of Tesla Berlin Gigafactory Ev Interest Puts Australian Technology In Prime Position

Lithium Ion Battery Update

Lithium Ion Battery Update: Elon Musk has recently opened Tesla’s Berlin Gigafactory.  Elon Musk presented the keys to the first Model Y electric cars off the production line, and declared that scale was the key to completing the switch from a fossil fuel economy to a sustainable energy future. “Every vehicle that we make is another step in the direction of a sustainable energy future,” Musk said at the opening.

Tesla Berlin Gigafactory - Colitco

The Gigafactory opening was attended by German chancellor Olaf Scholz, who said it was a crucial day for the transition to electric mobility in Germany, where 14 per cent of new car sales are already electric. The Giga factory is situated in the state of Brandenburg, Germany.

To see Lithium Ion Battery Update report   https://youtu.be/IwI1CE8vM5w


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