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Interviewing the Expert: Warren Murphy, Managing Director of Carbonxt Group Limited

Interviewing the Expert: Warren Murphy, Managing Director of Carbonxt Group Limited


Carbonxt Group Limited (ASX: CG1) (Carbonxt Group or the “Company”) is an Australia-based company focused on providing activated carbon solutions to the utility industries. Carbonxt Group’s principal activities include research, development and sales of activated carbon products such as powdered activated carbon and activated carbon pellets.

Warren Murphy

Warren Murphy

Warren Murphy, the Managing Director of Carbonxt Group

In October 2022, Carbonxt Group won an eight-year contract with their biggest customer, Wisconsin Public Services. Read this exclusive interview with the Managing Director of Carbonxt Group, Warren Murphy, to understand more. 

Q: Mr Murphy, thank you for joining us. Before we delve into your work at Carbonxt Group, please give us a brief insight into your experience and background.

A: Of course. I have been the Managing Director of Carbonxt Group since 2013. Before that, I was the Co-head of the Australian Infrastructure and Project Finance Group and the Head of Energy at Babcock & Brown. In these roles, I’ve overseen a large number of projects. I always aim to be involved in the project from end to end. From initial project discussion to project acquisition, financing and contracting – I try to be there at every step of the way. 

Q: That is incredibly inspiring. Please walk us through some of the products or the technology you develop at Carbonxt Group. 

A: Our chief activity at Carbonxt is the development of activated carbon. Said activated carbon is a carbon material with thousands of nano-sized holes. Because of these holes, the surface area of activated carbon is vast. These holes capture the chemicals in the environment, be it water, air or another industrial chemical.

Of course, activated carbon is a standard product. But what we’ve done at Carbonxt is modify and patent our products so that the carbon will capture specific pollutants in water, air and industry liquids. Adding the activated carbon means the factory can control pollution levels, helping them comply with environmental regulations when discharging by-products.

Carbonxt Group

Carbonxt Group

Activated carbon pellets: A product manufactured by Carbonxt Group.

 We’ve created special binders to hold the activated carbon—essentially a powder—in the form of pellets. This activated carbon product is then marketed in various forms depending on the industry requirement. For example, we have powdered activated carbon, activated carbon pellets, etc.

Q: Can these products only be used in water utility companies?

A: No. Since activated carbon is versatile, we can provide solutions to various industries. At the moment, Carbonxt Group caters to coal-fired power plants, cement plants, waste-to-energy industrial boilers and incinerators, water plants, and volatile organic carbon and hydrogen sulphide removal plants.

Carbonxt is the primary manufacturer of pellets in the US, and most of our revenue is based there. Our goal is to help our partners meet their environmental compliance guidelines. At present, our biggest client is Wisconsin Public Service, a US-based agency that provides electric and natural gas to customers in northeast and central Wisconsin.

Q: Speaking of Wisconsin Public Service, please tell us more about your relationship with them.

A: Wisconsin Public Service has been the most significant customer of our activated carbon pellet product for several years. We have had good relations with WPS since 2016 and have supplied approximately 12,000 tonnes of our activated carbon pellets.

WPS owns and manages the Weston Power Plant. This is the newest state-of-the-art electric generator with the capacity to generate 595 megawatts. The generator uses clean coal technology, and our activated carbon pellet product helps them remove harmful chemicals from combustion gases.

Q: You have recently secured an 8-year contract with them. The team at Carbonxt Group must be pretty excited about the development.

A: Yes, we are all quite excited about the development. WPS has extended their contract with Carbonxt Group until 2030.

This long-term contract is a significant step forward for Carbonxt. With this contract, we’ve achieved two things. First, we’ve locked in a higher revenue margin for the next eight years. Second, we’ve created a robust platform and standard for sales growth in the market. Our partnership with WPS is based on our products’ scalability, flexibility, cost-effectiveness and, most importantly, efficiency. We are happy to support WPS and its long-term emission control goals.

Q: We’re all looking forward to hearing more about the developments at Carbonxt Group. Thank you for taking the time for this discussion, Mr Murphy.

A: Thank you for having me. 

End of interview

We hope our exclusive interview with Carbonxt Managing Director Warren Murphy gave you an insight into the new developments at Carbonxt Group. If activated carbon products interest you, visit the official website of Carbonxt Group to learn more.


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