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Arrowsmith Brand Silica Sand Project Mineral Resource Estimate

Arrowsmith Brand Silica Sand Project Mineral Resource Estimate

VRX Silica Limited (ASX: VRX) (VRX or Company) is extending its resources under Arrowsmith Silica Sand Project by splitting the existing Arrowsmith North Project at the southern boundary of the granted mining lease M70/1389 to create the Arrowsmith Brand Silica Sand Project. The new resources are adjacent to the south of the existing Arrowsmith North Project and bounded to the south by the Brand Highway road reserve. 

Arrowsmith Brand Silica Sand Project

Figure 1: Location of Arrowsmith Brand Silica Sand Project

According to MD Bruce Maluish, the combined resources at the Arrowsmith Projects now provide a future pipeline of additional production utilising some of the infrastructure to be developed at the Arrowsmith North Project. 

He further said, “Although the development of Arrowsmith Brand Project is not a priority at the moment, VRX is cognizant of the extended timelines that are now commonplace for mining approvals, and this project has the potential to expand production to meet the ever-increasing demand for silica sand products.” 

Also, MD Bruce Maluish provided an update “Following the production of the preliminary estimate at Brand, VRX has lodged an application for a Mining Lease at Brand, and this is pending.” 

The Arrowsmith Brand Project lease application M 70/1418 has an area of 1,995 Ha, predominantly within Exploration License E70/5027, partially within E70/5109, and is contiguous with the granted Arrowsmith North Mining Lease M70/1389. 

Last year in December 2022, VRX conducted vacuum drilling in the Arrowsmith North Project area extending into the Arrowsmith Brand Project area. The test material was gained from M70/1389 from 68 holes, each 786 metres deep. Those holes infill the existing 50 metres spaced grade control drilling used to estimate the resources. Further, 49 holes of 656 metres depth were drilled on existing tracks in the Arrowsmith Brand Project Area, which also infilled and extended the prior reported Mineral Resources Estimate (MRE).

Drills Location Of Arrowsmith Brand Silica Sand Project

Figure 2: Drills Location Of Arrowsmith Brand Silica Sand Project

The Arrowsmith Brand MRE was assayed as per JORC Code 2012. The competent person agreed that deposits from Arrowsmith Brand Project should be suitable for producing ceramic, glass, and foundry markets based on the composite drill sample test work.

Basis of Reasonable Prospects for Eventual Economic Extraction

  • Available testwork indicates the high quality of silica sand beneficial to produce glass, ceramics, and foundry sand
  • Project location and favourable logistics support the classification of the Arrowsmith Brand deposit as an industrial Mineral Resource in JORC Clause 49.
  • The Mineral resource has a shallow depth
  • The deposit’s proximity to major road and rail infrastructure benefits transport and a qualified workforce for the project development

Arrowsmith Brand Silica Sand Project Mineral Resource Estimate


Figure 3: Arrowsmith Brand Silica Sand Project Mineral Resource Estimate

The Future Action on Arrowsmith Brand Silica Sand Project

VRX Silica has applied for the mining lease area of 1,995 Ha. The Company expects the grant soon as the project application is in its final stage of the DIMRS process.

Figure 4: Application Details of Arrowsmith Brand Silica Sand Project 

The Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project and Arrowsmith Central Silica Sand Project

Located about 270km north of Perth, The Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project is VRX Silica’s most advanced in Western Australia. This project benefits from Brand Highway and Geraldton-Eneabba railway and thus has a connection to Geraldton Port for bulk exports. This project has 513 million tonnes of Mineral Resources and 221 million tonnes of Ore Resources.

Arrowsmith North Project and Arrowsmith Central Project

Figure 5: Arrowsmith North Project and Arrowsmith Central Project and Mining Areas

Arrowsmith Central resources constitute a small portion of the tenement area. It has 76.5 million tonnes of Mineral Resources and 18.9 million tonnes of Ore Resources. Last year, VRX submitted the Environmental Scoping Document (ESD) to the EPA, which details the environmental studies required to allow the assessment of the project.

Muchea Silicon Sand Project

Muchea Silicon Sand Project is located 50km north of Perth. It is also an attractive project because of its strategic location, proximity to bulk transport routes and reliable energy supplies, including a rail connection to the Kwinana Port and Brand Highway. 

Muchea is also one of the locations with an outstanding grade of 99.9% SiO2 purity and low iron content, which is best, suited for the solar panel flat glass industry. It has 208 million tonnes of Mineral Resources and 18.7 million tonnes of Ore Resources, per the latest announcement.

Location of Muchea Silica Sand Project

Figure 6: Location of Muchea Silica Sand Project


Boyatup Silica Sand Project

Boyatup Silicon Sand Project is 125km east of Esperance in Western Australia. It is sealed to the road to the Esperance port. This project is different from the other project, and a comprehensive marketing study will drive its economic value. It has a total of 67.8 million tonnes of Mineral Resources. 

The total Mineral Resources and Ore Resources summary is listed below.

Figure 7: Total Silica Sand Mineral Resource of VRX Silica Limited 

Figure 8: Total Silica Sand Ore Reserves of VRX Silica Limited 

About VRX Silica

VRX Silica Limited is a Western Australia-based mining developer. The Company has developed its high-quality pure-play silica sand projects led by MD Bruce Maluish and a highly experienced management team. Advancing the projects, namely, the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project, the Arrowsmith Central Silica Project, and the Muchea Silica Sand Project, VRX is meeting global Silica Sand demand. 

About Managing Director Bruce Maluish

Mr Bruce Maluish, Managing Director of VRX Silica Limited, has more than 40 years of experience in the mining industry and has worked in various resource sectors, including gold, nickel, and mineral sands from both open pits and underground mines. He has been essential in various organisations such as Matilda Minerals, Abelle, Hills 50, etc. His international experience includes the identification of projects and negotiations with clients in Asian markets.  

Managing Director Bruce Maluish, VRX Silica Limited

Figure 9: Managing Director Bruce Maluish, VRX Silica Limited

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