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Altech Chemicals Ltd Reports a Productive June 2022 Quarter

Altech Chemicals Ltd Reports a Productive June 2022 Quarter

Altech Chemicals Ltd (ASX: ATC) (Altech or “Company”) recently published its June 2022 Quarterly Report. The June 2022 quarter has been a busy period for Altech and the Company has reported rapid advancements in its Silumina Anodes™ project. Here are the highlights of the quarterly report:

Silumina Anodes™ Updates

Silumina Anodes™, Altech’s patented silicon graphite composite product, has demonstrated higher energy capacity than market-available graphite anodes. The Silumina Anodes™ product has also shown longer cycle ability and battery life/stability.

  • Preliminary Feasibility Study

Altech announced the results of its Preliminary Feasibility Study in April 2022 for a plant to produce 10,000tpa of alumina-coated silicon/graphite battery material (Silumina AnodesTM).

  • Patent Filings

Altech had previously filed a patent for the Silumina AnodesTM battery materials technology in Australia in May 2022. During this quarter, the protection of this patent was broadened. Furthermore, Altech has also filed an international patent that covers 156 countries. In the same period, Altech also filed national patents in the United States, Europe, Japan, Korea, and China.

  • Plant Construction

Altech also announced that the Silumina Anodes™ pilot plant construction contract was executed with Kuttner GmbH and Co. The final plant design and cost estimation are complete. Item and equipment procurement for the plant has already commenced. The project site of 155,987m² area is within Schwarze Pumpe Industrial Park (ISP), 120 km from Berlin and only 78 km from Dresden. The proposed design includes one main production building and three ancillary buildings.

  • Financial Modelling

The study showed that the project had an internal rate of return of 40% with a payback of capital of approximately 3.1 years. The project requires a modest capital investment of USD95M and net present value of USD$507.

Managing Director Iggy Tan signing contract with Kuttner’s Managing Partner

  • Strategic Partnership with Fraunhofer IKTS

Managing Director Iggy Tan with Uwe Ahrens from Altech and Prof. Alexander Michaelis (IKTS)

Altech announced  that the Company would be partnering with Fraunhofer IKTS to fast-track Silumina Anodes™ qualification. Fraunhofer IKTS is an internationally-recognized battery material and performance testing research center in Germany.

Johor HPA Project Updates

Altech continues to work with Bedford Row Capital Plc and Bluemount Capital Pty Ltd to finalise the green bond offering. Altech aims to raise USD144M from the bond issue, of this USD 100M will be used for the construction of the Johor HPA Plant and the remaining USD 44M will be used as service bond interest during the plant’s construction.

Planned Johor Plant and Altech office in Malaysia

Kaolin Resource Updates

Kaolin deposits in Kerrigan, Western Australia

Altech has announced a significant increase in its Kaolin resource located at Kerrigan, Western Australia. The deposit is within the exploration license E70/4718-I, which is 100% owned by Altech. During the quarter, Altech reported that the Kerrigan deposit had an inferred resource of 125M tonnes at 85.1% ISO brightness kaolin.

Investor Outlook

In addition to these project updates, at the end of this quarter, Altech had a market capitalization of $66M and $10.9M in cash. This quarter’s activities go a long way to show the rapid advancement Altech is making in their Silumina Anodes™ product. If the Silumina Anodes™ product interests you, visit the Altech Chemicals Ltd website to learn more.


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