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Altech Chemicals Announces Launch Of CERENERGY® 60KWh Battery


Altech Chemicals Ltd (ASX: ATC) (Altech or the ‘Company’) announces the launch of CERENERGY® 60 KWh Sodium Alumina Solid State (SAS) battery pack (ABS60) in a joint venture with Fraunhofer.



Upon preliminary discussions with potential off-takers for the 100MWh CERENERGY® battery project, Altech launched a 60 KWh battery pack rated at a higher voltage of 620 volts and 100 amp hour (Ah) instead of the proposed 10 KWh battery module.

CERENERGY® Batteries: The Game-Changing Alternative to Lithium-Ion Batteries

Altech Chemicals announced a joint venture with Fraunhofer IKTS in September 2022 to commercialize Fraunhofer’s revolutionary CERENERGY® Sodium Alumina Solid State (SAS) Battery. Altech, together with Altech Advanced Material AG, has majority ownership of 75% of the JV company, which will commercialize a 100 MWh project in Schwarze Pumpe, Germany.

Altech believes that CERENERGY® batteries can be the game-changing grid storage alternative to lithium-ion batteries. CERENERGY® batteries have a lifespan of more than 15 years, are fire and explosion-proof, and can operate in extreme climate conditions. The battery technology is made using table salt and is free from lithium, cobalt, graphite, and copper, eliminating exposure to critical metal price rises and supply chain concerns risk.

Also Read: Altech Chemicals September 2022 Quarterly Report

ABS60 Battery Pack

ABS60 battery packs are more efficient in renewable energy and grid storage applications. The battery packs provide high security at a low acquisition and operating cost for the stationary energy storage market.



The ABS60 battery pack will contain 240 CERENERGY® cells (each rated 2.5 V) and have a dimension of 2.6m high, 0.4m long, and 1.0m wide. The cells will be arranged in 4 rows of 12 cells and 5 cell modules height.

  • The packs are designed for Ingress Protection (IP) 65 standard (levels of sealing effectiveness of electrical enclosures) and can be installed outdoors in all weather conditions.
  • The battery packs can operate at a wide temperature range of -40° Celsius to +60° Celsius, ideal for cold European climates.
  • ABS60 battery packs are safe to be installed indoors where lithium-ion batteries are prohibited.
  • Unlike the 10 KWh modules, which require a Battery Management System (BMS) processor for individual 10 KWh modules, ABS60 battery packs will account for only one BMS processor. This will reduce module assembly casing and connecting costs.



Wh SAS battery plant (Train 1) is under development for Altech’s site in Saxony, Germany, with a special focus on the grid (stationary) energy storage market.

The battery plant will be designed to produce ABS60 battery packs as a standard product to meet Europe’s renewable energy and grid storage market. Altech is currently undertaking a Bankable Feasibility Study to confirm the cost estimation for producing CERENERGY® batteries laid by Fraunhofer (estimated to be 40% cheaper than lithium-ion batteries).

Renewable Energy and Grid Storage Applications

Altech Chemicals aims to meet the demand for middle and long-duration batteries to store renewable energy storage as the existing utility-scale storage that uses lithium-ion batteries can only discharge energy for up to 4 hours.

Altech’s CERENERGY® ABS60 battery packs are expected to take approximately 6 hours to charge and discharge (subject to the power generation patterns of the sun). These battery packs can discharge quicker, in less than 3 hours if required.

Altech Chemicals’ design team will next advance the heat transfer modeling and optimizing insulation design.

CERENERGY® batteries, being both environmentally friendly, safe, and with a longer lifetime compared to lithium batteries, have the potential to revolutionize the market for stationary batteries.

For further details and queries, visit the company website.


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