Written by 3:50 pm Altech Chemicals, Australia, Mining, Top Stories

Altech Chemicals: Filing Patent for Silumina AnodesTM Battery Technology

altech chemicals filing patent for silumina anodes battery technology new

Altech Chemicals Limited (ASX: ATC) (Altech or “the Company”) has announced its further patent filings to protect its intellectual rights over its Silumina AnodesTM battery technology. Silumina AnodesTM is an alumina coated composite silicon and graphite battery anode that can be integrated into lithium-ion batteries to provide higher energy retention capacity. As the proprietary product of Altech, the Company has filed both national and international patents to preserve its intellectual property.

Patent Applications – Altech Chemicals

  • Patent application in Australia

Altech filed a National patent in Australia on 13 May 2021. The patent covers both the Silumina AnodesTM technology as well as the invention methods for coating anode-active materials with alumina.

  • Patent applications in other countries

Altech has also filed national patent applications in the United States, Europe, China, Japan, and Korea. These applications claim priority citing the Australian provisional patent from 13 May 2021.

  • International patent applications

In addition to individual national patents, Altech has also filed an international patent on 13 May 2022. The international patent application provides Altech with the right to apply for national patents in 156 countries.

Altech Chemicals – Contents of the Patent

Altech’s proprietary alumina coating process.

Altech’s proprietary alumina coating process.

All patent applications are aimed at protecting Altech’s intellectual property including the developed and prototype technology, products as well as innovative methods. All filed patent applications include the Company’s process for coating anode materials (such as silicon and graphite) with nanolayer alumina.

The Company stated “This round of patent filings shows Altech Chemicals’ commitment to protecting its intellectual property.”

About the Proprietary Product – Altech Chemicals

Since the alumina coating serves as an artificial solid electrolyte interface, it has been shown to reduce lithium loss in the battery during charge and discharge cycles. This result, as well as Silumina AnodesTM other properties, including energy retention capacity with volume and weight of the battery and battery life, ensures that this technology remains as proprietary. This is further outlined in the Preliminary Feasibility Study for the Silumina AnodesTM project announced in April 2022. The current round of patent filings covers all these properties as well.

Product Outlook

  • The Company’s strategy is to supply Silumina AnodesTM to the European battery and electric vehicle sectors as the EU Commission aims to create a fleet of electric vehicles without importing batteries and cells.
  • The Company also aims to support the EU as it plans to boost local production of the green battery industry to power clean vehicles.

Investor Outlook

  • Altech has acquired land in Saxony, Germany for the manufacturing of Silumina AnodesTM. The plant is expected to generate an NPV of USD 507 million and net cash per annum of USD 63 million.
Comparison of Altech’s alumina coatings with industry coatings

Comparison of Altech’s alumina coatings with industry coatings

  • Altech’s Silumina AnodesTM has a higher energy retention capacity that is 30% more than that of conventional anodes available in the market today. Additionally, the product has also better battery life, lower weight, and improved cyclability.

Altech’s Silumina AnodesTM have excellent properties that have encouraged the Company to file patents with national and international Intellectual Property Rights Agencies. Along with the filing of these patents, the company has also invested efforts in developing and constructing a manufacturing plant to start the production of Silumina AnodesTM.


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