Written by 3:37 pm Altech Chemicals, Australia, Mining, Top Stories

Contract Executed for Silumina Anodes™ Pilot Plant: Altech Chemicals


Altech Chemicals Limited (ASX: ATC) (‘Altech’ or ‘Company’) has announced the signing of the contract for construction of the Silumina Anodes™ pilot plant in Saxony, Germany. Following the visit of Altech’s senior management to the plant site, the Company has signed the construction contract with Küttner GmbH & Co. (Küttner).

About Küttner GmbH & Co. KG – Altech Chemicals

Küttner, a German engineering firm, is part of the Küttner Group operating internationally as industrial plant engineers across a range of industries. Küttner provides plant construction planning, procurement, project management and final construction of industrial plants. Küttner has completed final designs and cost estimations for the Silumina Anodes™ pilot plant.

Altech Chemicals’ Managing Director Iggy Tan

The contract was signed between Altech Chemicals’ Managing Director Iggy Tan and Jan Meier-Kortwig, Managing Director of Küttner GmbH & Co.

The Location of the Plant – Altech Chemicals

The pilot plant will be constructed in a leased warehouse space in Dock3. It is located next to Altech Chemicals’ property in Schwarze Pumpe Industrial Park, Saxony, Germany.

The Location of the Plant - Altech Chemicals

The project site is located approximately 120 km from Berlin. The total project site area is 155,987m2. Of this, approximately 40,000m2 has been allocated for the Silumina Anodes™ pilot plant.

Silumina Anodes™: Pilot Plant Construction

Küttner has already confirmed the key design parameters and equipment necessary for the design phase to underline the operational criteria. Küttner will procure the equipment, tools and all other necessary items immediately, following which the construction will commence. The procurement process is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

The proposed design of the plant includes:

  1. One main production plant building for Silumina Anodes™.
  2. An Administration and Engineering building which includes all staff offices, control centres and quality control labs.
  3. A storage building which includes electrical and instrumentation maintenance workshops and offices for the employees of the same.
  4. A guard house building for all security personnel which will also include visitor training and first aid facilities.

Altech Chemicals announced its cash position of AUD11.571 million as of March 2022. This position affords Altech Chemicals with enough funds to engage in the project and oversee the completion of the plant. The plant is estimated to cost AUD7.177 million. The construction is currently funded by Altech Chemicals (AUD 5.382 million) which has 75% ownership and Altech Advanced Materials AG (AUD 1.794 million) which has 25% ownership.

Expected Silumina Anodes™ Plant Efficiency

The Silumina Anodes™ plant is designed to produce 120kg of Silumina AnodesTM battery material per day. The material will be made available to select battery manufacturers and auto-vehicle manufacturers in the European market.

Investor’s Outlook

Altech Chemicals has applied for an international patent for Silumina Anodes™ technology in 156 countries in May 2022. The company has also filed national patents in Australia, Europe, the United States, China, Japan, and Korea.

Altech’s Silumina Anodes™ has shown great promise in the international markets. If Altech Chemicals news interests you, you can also visit the official website to learn more.


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