Written by 11:41 am Altech Chemicals, Australia, Mining, Politics

Altech Chemicals: Latest Updates on Silumina Anodes™ Project

Altech Chemicals: Latest Updates on Silumina Anodes™ Project

Altech Chemicals Limited (ASX: ATC) (Altech or Company) announced an update of its Silumina Anodes™ project on 12 September 2022. Here are the key highlights of the announcement on the project.

Pilot Plant Updates

Altech announced the game-changing Silumina Anodes™ material for lithium-ion batteries last year. Altech has already commenced the pilot plant construction, adjacent to its land for its proposed full-scale plant, to enable quantification processes for the Silumina Anodes™ product. The plant is at Dock3 at Schwarze Pumpe. The pilot plant will produce 120kg per day (~37,000 kg per year) of Silumina Anodes™.

The pilot plant implementation is progressing within the timeframe, and the procurement of plant equipment is also moving forward as expected. The building modification and panel installation have already begun.

Küttner GmbH & Co, a German-based industrial plant engineering contractor, signed a contract with Altech Chemicals for the plant construction earlier this year. Kutter’s engineering team is focused on the commissioning and operational developments. Altech is pleased with the progress.

Also Read: Altech Chemicals Executes a Joint Venture Shareholders’ Agreement with Fraunhofer IKTS

Commencing Definitive Feasibility Study

Altech Chemicals has commenced a Definitive Feasibility Study for a full-scale 10,000 tpa Silumina Anodes™ plant. The DFS will run in parallel with the pilot plant construction. The DFS will focus on refining the results obtained in the Preliminary Feasibility Study, which showed outstanding economics, that was prepared earlier this year.

Visit by German Chancellor HE Olaf Scholz

German Federal Chancellor HE Olaf Scholz, together with a special delegation, visited the Schwarze Pumpe site to boost economic development in the region. The delegation party included Mr. Michael Kretschmer, State Prime Minister of Saxony, Mr. Dietmar Woidke, State Prime Minister of Brandenburg, Mr. Reiner Haseloff, State Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt, and Mr. Carsten Schneider, State Minister for Eastern States Industrial & Economic Development.

German Chancellor HE Olaf Scholz

(Left to right) Mr. Dietmar Woidke, Mr. Reiner Haseloff, Federal Chancellor HE Olaf Scholz of Germany, and Mr. Carsten Schneider.

Altech Chemicals’ Silumina Anodes™ project was introduced to the Chancellor and the delegation by Altech’s German Managing Director, Mr. Uwe Ahrens. The exchange between the Chancellor and the delegation event was significant for Altech as the Company’s Silumina Anodes™ project aims at higher-efficiency batteries for the German EV industry. Furthermore, the Federal Government and German politics are responsible for EUR 40 billion in investments in this region.

German Chancellor HE Olaf Scholz

German Managing Director Mr. Uwe Ahrens meeting with the Chancellor.

Way Forward

Altech Chemicals is currently applying for various federal and state grants and infrastructure and regional financial support programs for its Silumina Anodes™ project. The Silumina Anodes™ project has attracted increasing interest from the European battery and car industry, which has prompted political interest and economic support.

Altech Chemicals was also invited to present its technology and Silumina Anodes™ project to the Federal Government of Germany through the Special Task Force of Chancellery. Mr. Carsten Schneider leads the task force.


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